Зоран Анђелковић – Мрзеница, Србија

Зоран Анђелковић


Zoran Andjelkovic was born on August 8, 1967. in Krusevac, the village of Mrzenica. I graduated from high school. I have been painting for 35 years. I am married and have two children. I live and work in my native village of Mrzenica. I create works in my studio, which is about 200 years old.The first standalone  I exibition i had in my native village Mrzenica, then in 1995 the gallery Riznica. Cultural and educational community in 2014. National Museum in March 2017 Vlasotince 1.3.2019. Toronto in 1996 at the House fine art gallery Jatovi Apartments, Kopaonik 2017 Gallery Gold and Blue 2016 Vlasotince National Library-Gigi’s House 2021. Volgograd 2017. City Gallery Cicevac 1.3.2022. Chicago, America at the home of the Serbian National Defense 18.5.2022. Belgrade, Ahios gallery, October 8, 2022. I have had joint exhibitions: I am a member of the art club Dimitrije Simic and Rasinus from Krusevac With the club of amateur painters of Serbia 1993-2010. Krusevac, Aleksandrovac, Varvarin, Pozarevac, Knjazevac, Kragujevac And abroad in France, Avre Kutna Hora, Prague, Czechoslovakia Katowice Katowice, Poland And countless more group exhibitions I am a participant of several international art colonies Stalac, Varvarin, Volgograd-Russia, Belgrade, Belgrade, Bulgaria, Macedonia Sveti Nikola, B&H Brcko and others. I am the winner of several certificates of appreciation, the prize for the naive miniature, the second prize and diploma from the Rasinus association, I received an order from the Nikola Tesla Scientific Foundation, a gold medal also from the Nikola Tesla Foundation, the winner of several awards for the poster of the movie Seven Thousand Souls I am a participant in several humanitarian actions.

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