Ljiljana Dobra – Rijeka, Hrvatksa

Ljiljana Dobra

Frost lace / Чипка од иња

bijela čipka
na zelenoj lepezi
snijeg na palmi

hite lace
on the green hand fan –
snow on the palm

sveti izvori
nekada spomen česme
sad u korovu

holy wells
once a memorial fountain
now in the weeds

ljetna žega
vodu iz ptičje pojilice
ispija sunce

summer heat
water from the birds bath
drink the sun

turobna jesen
mirišu kišne kapi
iz sijede kose

a dreary autumn
smells of rain drops
from grey hair

bježeći od sunca
magla zapela rukavom
za suhi čičak

fleeing from the sun
the fog stuck with a sleeve
for the dry burdock

na ogradama
ogrlice od inja –
zimski ukrasi

on the fences
necklaces from frost –
winter decor

sunčev osmijeh
razbudio pjevice
s usnulih grana

smile of the sun
woke up singing birds
from the sleepy branches

huči brzica
nad gnijezdom u šašu
stražari čaplja

murmur od the stream
a heron guarding its nest
among sedge

vijoriš kosom
bude se prepelice
u klasju žita

your hair flutters
quails wake up
in the ears of wheat

kad ti iz oka
polete svici u noć
zavidi mjesec

when fireflies soar
from your eyes into the night
the moon is envious

mirišeš trešnje
djevičanski ždral pleše
rajski let suncu

savouring cherries
a virgin crane dancing
her heavenly flight

Japanski prijevod 10 haikua
Akita International Haiku Network

Haiku by Ljiljana Dobra
Translated by Hidenori Hiruta

mjesec na nebu
drugi u rijeci
razroki pas

one moon ‘s in the sky
another one’s in the river
the cross-eyed dog

drvo jasmine
mirisom opija
tužnog slavuja

the tree of jasmine
by its oriental scent
makes the nightingale drunk

seosko groblje
vrvi od mravinjaka
odmiče jesen

the country graveyard
is full of busy ants
autumn is aging

on pili drva
znoj s kose i čela
sušim pogledom

he’s sawing a tree
sweat on his hair and forehead
is dried by my eye


iz dječje ruke
sunce pojelo sladoled
sa užitkom

from a child’s hand
the sun ate ice cream
with pleasure


još broji laste
starac pognutih leđa
godine lete

still counts the swallows
an old man with the bent back
years are flying off


slika za slikom
dolaze i odlaze
kroz stari prozor

image after image
arriving and leaving
in the old window


iz starih šuma
rastu mladi javori –
plamen flaminga

from old forests
grow young maple trees –
fire of a flamingo


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